Here are some simple yet really important ways for finding the happiness in your life and staying in that happy-place more often. Sometimes, having a strategy, creating a new habit and giving yourself a daily reminder, can make it easier than you think!
1. Decide what the “Purpose Of Your Life” actually is.
Nothing will bring you joy more than defining what it is that you are on this earth for. Not knowing keeps you on an endless cycle of searching for meaning and it’s each individual who decides what anything means. Above all, DECIDE WHAT YOUR UNIQUE PURPOSE IS – then fulfill it! Purpose is not something you must keep searching for – it is something YOU CHOOSE. Living without purpose will cause frustration. Living purposefully in line with what you believe, will bring you deep satisfaction, peace, fulfillment and joy! Decide what you want, set your intention, then go for it!
💫 Here’s the fun way to plan ahead.
2. Stay focused on what you really want.
One of the best ways to keep yourself focused on what you want to manifest, is to surround yourself with visual images and auditory sounds of the things, feelings and experiences you want to attract more of in your life. There are many techniques you can use for this. Pictures that represent what you’d like your life to look like, feel like and be like are often referred to as a VISION BOARD.
💫 Find out how to create a vision board.
3. Expect more of yourself.
Don’t settle for being mediocre. That will leave you feeling unfulfilled, aimless and bored. Always look for ways to expect more of the life you create for yourself. Dream bigger, aim further, expand wider. Dennis Waitley said, “Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may not get what you want, but in the long run you will get what you expect.” So expect and imagine great things for your life and find excitement and joy in your bolder visions.
4. Give more than you take.
Find ways to contribute back to society. Acts of kindness, even doing something as simple as smiling at people as you walk down the street, all contribute to a happier and more joyful world. When you give to others, you ultimately give to yourself. I even make a habit of leaving public environments better than I found them, giving the washroom basin an extra clean might take 5 seconds, stooping to pick up a stray piece of paper in the park also keeps me naturally agile and flexible without needing to go to the gym. Little things like this let me know I am contributing without needing to be acknowledged or rewarded. Feeling good about doing my bit, is reward enough!
5. Get organized.
Sort out your to-do list so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. One of the best ways is to break a large task down into smaller, more manageable chunks. But, if you want to know the leading-edge Law Of Attraction Method where you train yourself to relax more and find that more stuff actually gets done:
💫 This tip will help you get organized.
6. Do the best you can to feel good every day.
Indulge yourself daily. Make a list of all the things that make you feel really, really good and do something from that list as often as possible. Joseph Campbell made a very profound statement. He said, “Follow Your Bliss. When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn’t be a door for anyone else.” Think of things that make you feel really, really good? Then, do that. Feel your energy start to rise even higher as you answer the question:
💫 What simple things make you happy?
7. If you can’t be happy, be satisfied.
The easiest way to improve the quality of your life, is to “Start Asking Better Quality Questions.” Sometimes feeling happy and appreciative is so far away from where we are in the moment, that another question helps to soothe us into feeling better. What can you find that you’re satisfied with?
💫 What have you done well today?
8. Ask quality questions and drop the rest.
I went through a patch of depression last year and for the first time in my life, booked myself in to see a psychologist. During that conversation I heard myself say, “What’s the point?” “What’s the point of living?” I realized instantly that I’d been asking myself that question for months and it was making me feel hopeless and lost and much worse than I needed to feel. In that moment I CHOSE what the point of my life would be. “I CAME TO LIVE MY DREAMS!” — I declared! Jumped out of depression and into a highly energized and delightfully creative phase of my life. Make sure the questions you’re asking in your own mind, will bring you the answers you WANT to hear.
💫 The 3 Most Powerful Questions
9. Ask other people quality questions too!
How often do you parrot off the question, “How are you?” and then they actually tell you! Prepare yourself to ask better quality questions that elicit a better response, one that you really want to listen to. “What good things happened to you today?” “What are you looking forward to?” “What’s the best thing about your life right now?” You are a leader. You came to make people shine, not to agree with them in their plight! It does take practice to start asking better questions, but I’ve found it to be so much fun. People are often shocked out of a bad mood and into a better one and I am creating better environments to hang around in each day. Play with your life!
10. Have a good laugh – No, have a great laugh!
Most people are just too serious. We need to laugh a little. Make laughing a daily habit. This life is meant to be enjoyed! The next time you watch a movie, choose a comedy and have a great laugh. Share your laughter with others – it’s infectious. The other day someone pointed out a flaw in something I’d written. Instead of feeling bad about what I’d said, I decided to “own it”, laugh about it and move on to having more conversations and even more fun!
11. Find something to appreciate.
Love and Appreciation are amongst the highest vibrations we currently know of. It has been reported that appreciative people experience higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, health, vitality, optimistic moods and lower levels of depression and stress. A simple process of writing down the things that you are thankful for every day can enhance your perception and improve your quality of life dramatically. If you enjoy being in a community of uplifting, like-minded people, come and play with us and share:
Happiness can be yours more more often. Find ways to look for it, express it, BE IT and share it with others.
P.S. Not quite feeling appreciative or fulfilled right now? That’s okay. Perhaps something from our Mood Lifting range will help to take you there. ~ Elizabeth Richardson (Author)