Use Pictures and Music to Keep you Focused on Your Dreams, Desires and Goals
To keep yourself focused on what you want to manifest, surround yourself with visual images, delicious scents and auditory sounds of the things, feelings and experiences you want to attract more of in your life. There are many techniques you can use for this. Pictures that represent what you’d like your life to look like, feel like and be like are often referred to as a VISION BOARD.
Perhaps you love to paint or draw … then doing a picture that represents your life the way you would like it to be is what would inspire you the most.
Maybe you like music or poetry… then writing the lyrics to a song or the words to a profoundly meaningful poem is what will give you a sparkle.
You may be someone who loves creating craft items … so making a quilt, creating a mosaic or doing decoupage on a special item of furniture will juice-up your creative urges.
Do you enjoy movies and television … you can easily create your own ‘Vision Video’ on your laptop, ipad or phone. Choose a favourite piece of music that represents your ideal life, select images that appeal to you and write down your best affirmations and most importantly, list the words that describe HOW YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU HAVE ALL THOSE THINGS. Compile them together to make your very own special video.
If you love to write a book, a diary or a journal … you might like to make a series of diary or journal entries that describes in graphic detail the life of your dreams AS IF you are actually living it. Write about what your life looks like, describe how you are feeling, entertain yourself by imagining what type of things you would be doing, what music you listen to, what sort of conversations you are hearing etc. Be as descriptive as you possibly can. Make a Dream Book by putting the pictures into a 3-ring binder pasted onto the pages or slide them into plastic page protectors.
There are many different ways to create those external images that keep you moving forward and remind you of your Dreams, Desires and Goals. Be creative and search for what resonates with you, and the most important thing is, that you make it fun!
How To Create Your Own Vision Board
1. USE PICTURES AND IMAGES: Collect pictures of the things you wish to own (like your ideal car or home) and pictures that represent the experiences you want to have (like the perfect relationship, an exciting job, being at your ideal weight, having more joy, inner peace or balance in your life) to remind yourself of how you want it to be. PUT THEM WHERE YOU WILL SEE THEM EVERY DAY — on the mirror, the refrigerator, make them into a screen saver, add them to a special new board on Pinterest or use any of the ideas listed above.
2. USE MUSIC AND LYRICS: Do you have a song that energizes, uplifts or empowers you? Use it in a video, add it on your phone and PLAY IT OFTEN TO REMIND YOU HOW FANTASTIC YOU ARE AND HOW WONDERFUL THIS LIFE REALLY IS. We are the directors, we are the drivers, we are the creators of our dreams, desires, goals and the creators of the vibration that draws those things closer to us.
3. USE POSITIVE INTENTION: When you look at any of these pictures or listen to that power song, think the thought, “THIS IS MY LIFE!” “THIS IS MINE NOW!” “THIS IS WHO I AM!” and let yourself get excited about it. Not to make it manifest, but so you can FEEL GOOD RIGHT NOW! Because right now is where all your power is.
Acknowledge That It’s Working
If you start to see something change for the better, APPRECIATE that it’s happening. When you find the perfect parking space, CELEBRATE it. When you get the table you want in the restaurant, TAKE NOTICE of it. When you find a coin on the street, be THANKFUL for it. When you meet someone who can help you get closer to your goal, ACKNOWLEDGE that Life Is Working FOR YOU. The more you acknowledge that it’s working, the more it will work. It’s that simple.
If you are attracting things into your life that you don’t want, remember the Law of Attraction is still working. Instead of thinking or saying, “It’s not working,” ask your self, “What am I focusing on, thinking about, talking about, feeling or doing that is attracting this into my life?” If you want to know what you are thinking about, notice the results you are producing in your life. To change those results, you will first have to change your vibration by changing your thoughts and feelings. While there are many techniques that are variations on these themes that you can apply, there’s nothing else you have to do, only the things you WANT to do.
Keep Updating Your Vision Board
I’ve done several vision boards over the years. The first one I did in the form of a video. I now drive one of the cars that was pictured, I’ve visited many of the places, I was nominated for an award as a lead actress, I played guitar and sang on stage in front of live audiences — and watching it still energizes me to this day. The second vision board was decoupaged onto a guitar that someone gave me as a gift for running a Goal Achieving Workshop he participated in — and today I live in an apartment with the same tropical pool that I had pasted on it as a picture and with glorious water views too.
I’m putting together a NEW VISION BOARD now. I wonder if you will share yours here too. I’d love to see it and hear how your visions have come true.
With so much love,